
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

11-million Undocumented Immigrants Determination

Should we the people allow immigrants to have the privilege of becoming a citizen in the U.S.? In this current time Obama wants to grant the 11-million immigrants in the U.S. the right to live and work. This topic brings a lot of controversies and heated debates on what the correct thing to do is. There are many that oppose this and many who are pro-immigration.
Immigrants have a purpose when coming to this country this is to find a better job and make a better future for themselves and families. Back in their home countries immigrants tend to struggle from famine, poverty, and violence. They are not here to “steal American jobs as is widely believed,” but to better themselves. Should we grant them this privilege? I believe so, some say it may hurt the economy or take away current citizens job. I believe the contrary they help with jobs that some citizens do not want. This can also better our economy by increasing productivity and the labor force.
When we thought we were taking two steps forward on immigration we took one step back when the Arizona law came about in 2012. This law became unconstitutional and did not go about what Obama wanted it was on the contrary and scared immigrants. It was a scheme to get rid of thousands of immigrants in Arizona. Is this what America wants to be known as someone who is segregating and judging people based on their background. Aren’t we a diverse country that discrimination has decreased?
There are many people that are against immigrants obtaining permanent residency usually their statements are that they are taking away native born employments. Their argument may show some astonishing statistics by The New York Times showing that 1.7 million immigrants were currently hired and only 418,000 native born were hired. What we don’t know is how much they are getting paid maybe most of the jobs immigrants receive are minimum wage jobs that most native born do not want to work. The citizens can he high maintenance and only want to take certain jobs. I have no problem with someone obtaining a job as long as they work hard and are suitable for the position regardless of the status in the United States. I know I have worked hard and continue studying to receive an even better job in the future. 
Therefore, should we grant these 11-million immigrants citizenship? And how do we obtain or come about this goal? Everyone one has a say and can fight for what they deserve and want. If we see this determination in these immigrants why not grant them this desire. Every individual has their own aspirations the American dream that everyone is in search of may not be perfect, but can be better than other countries economically. We have already progressed with the state wide protests, marches, and recently the virtual marches. A statement President Obama made stating that he wants to give visas to valued workers and entrepreneurs and reunite families. We have Obama's support do we have yours?  

Work Cited
"EDITORIAL; A Better Immigration Plan." The New York Times. The New York Times, 30 Jan. 2013. Web.     13 Mar. 2013.

"EDITORIAL; Free Speech for Day Laborers." The New York Times. The New York Times, 06 Mar.     2013.        Web. 13 Mar. 2013.

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